Tutoring to Go, LLC
Specializing in your child's academic needs!
We offer services in the areas of reading, mathematics, SAT Prep, enrichment and more!
​Schedule a tutoring session today!
Call now: 814-572-7744

Dr. Erin Pizzo, Administrator/Tutor
Erin shares a wealth of knowledge in the field of education and has experience as a learning support teacher, reading specialist, middle school English Language Arts teacher and an elementary teacher. She also taught as an adjunct at the collegiate level. Erin received her undergraduate degree at Gannon University in the areas of elementary and special education. She went on to earn her Masters of Education as well as earning her Reading Specialist certification and her ESL certificate. Erin has since added her Middle Level English certificate and is recognized as a National Board Certified Teacher. She completed her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction.
After spending three years training at the Erie Masonic Learning Center, the former Compass Reading Center, Erin earned her advanced IMSLEC (International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council) certification. Erin was also a Certified Academic Language Practitioner (CALP) through the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA). Tutoring to Go, LLC has made remedial reading instruction a priority and Erin uses her specialty knowledge with dyslexia, learning disabilities and other academic concentrations to address student needs. Would you like to speak to Erin about how Tutoring to Go, LLC may be a fit for your family's needs? Please contact Erin at tutoringtogopa@gmail.com.
Erin has provided professional development for educators and parents. Please see the Trainings and Presentations section for current offerings. If you are interested in working with Erin to provide professional development, please contact her at tutoringtogopa@gmail.com.